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CAUT Bulletin Archives

December 2000

New Associate Member Categories

Now, graduate students and part-time academic staff members can join CAUT as individual associate members at reduced rates. Council delegates set the graduate student rate at $25 and the rate for part-time academic staff members at $29.40 -- the same fee charged part-time members who join through faculty associations. Associate membership in CAUT is open to graduate students and academic staff members who are not eligible to join through a faculty association. Membership in the association as individual associate members includes people at universities or colleges where there is no member faculty association, retired academic staff, academic staff in other countries who are members of their national faculty organization, and foreign academics visiting Canada. The associate membership fee is $95; the retired membership fee is $25. Associate members receive a subscription to the Bulletin, are entitled to participate in CAUT conferences, workshops, educational programs, and CAUT affinity programs, and are eligible for election to the CAUT executive and CAUT standing committees. Further information on associate membership in CAUT can be obtained from CAUT's associate executive director Gordon Piché,