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CAUT Bulletin Archives

September 2010

Harper Told: ‘Restore Long-Form Census’

More than 300 organizations have joined the call for the Harper government to reinstate the manda­tory long-form census since the federal government announced it would be replaced by a voluntary survey.

Politicizing epistemology

Questions of epistemology (“Trent Leads in Recognition of Indigenous Knowledge,” CAUT Bulletin, June 2010) should not be decided politically or by university administrations, but rather by academics properly trained in academic disciplines that concern themselves with the nature of knowledge.

Politicizing epistemology: CAUT replies

Jim Clark is right to say that academics should be concerned with the nature of knowledge. And, indeed, the Trent University vision statement about which I wrote was debated and adopted by academics, whom I assume were “properly trained in the academic disciplines.”

Social Programs Victimized by Census Change

Summer, the season of madcap antics, went wild this year with Industry Minister quiet announcement that the federal government was dropping the mandatory long-form census in favour of a voluntary survey.

Higher Ed Carries Hefty Price Tag

Maritime university graduates are paying an average of $31,047 for their education, according to a Maritime Provinces High­er Education Commission report released in June.

Copyright Ruling Impacts Education Sector

In July, the Federal Court of Ap­peal released its decision on the tariff Access Copyright can levy against K–12 schools to reproduce educational material.

New Brunswick Shuts Down Lansbridge U

The New Brunswick government is shutting down Lans­bridge University, a Fredericton-based online for-profit university, over administration and finance irregularities.

NOMS Staff on Strike

Northern Ontario School of Medicine support staff walked off the job, frustrated by almost a year of negotiations for a first contract.

UTFA Challenges UofT Academic Plan

The University of Toronto Faculty Association is contesting an academic plan that proposes to “disestablish” several arts and science centres, and amalgamate six units within the faculty into a new School of Languages and Literatures.

Think Outside the Book

A few years ago, I served on the Modern Language Association (MLA) Task Force on Evaluating Scholarship for Tenure and Promotion. The committee was formed in the belief that young scholars in literary studies were failing to get tenure and withering on the vine. That belief, we discovered, was wrong.

Victories Large & Small in Fight for Pro-Rata Terms

Since CAUT adopted the pro-rata model of compensation for work done by contract academic staff, there has been considerable effort by member associations to highlight the per-course ghetto problem and look for solutions at the bargaining table.

Mobilisation en faveur du recensement détaillé

Plus de 300 organismes se sont mobilisés pour réclamer le rétablissement du formulaire détaillé obligatoire du recensement depuis que le gouvernement Harper a décidé de rendre désormais facultative la parti­cipation à cette enquête.

Recensement : un changement d’orientation préjudiciable aux programmes sociaux

Cet été, le ministre de l’Industrie a discrètement annoncé que le gouvernement fédéral remplaçait le questionnaire détaillé obligatoire du recensement par une version abrégée à participation facultative.

Provinces maritimes : le fardeau alourdissant de la dette étudiante

Selon un rapport rendu public par la Commission de l’enseignement supérieur des Provinces maritimes, la dette étudiante des diplômés universitaires des Maritimes ayant emprunté de l’ar­gent s’élevait à une très haute moyenne.

Une FAQ sur les examens par les pairs

L'ACPPU a produit un guide d’information gratuit sur les comités d’examen par les pairs, sous forme de Foire aux questions (FAQ), à l’intention du personnel académique.

Droit d’auteur : une décision judiciaire lourde de conséquences pour le secteur de l’éducation

La Cour d’appel fédérale a rendu sa décision sur le tarif des redevances qu’Access Copyright peut imposer aux éta­blissements d’enseignement du primaire et du secondaire pour reproduire des documents à des fins éducatives.

Le gouvernement du N.-B. ferme l’université privée Lansbridge

Le gouvernement du Nouveau-Brunswick a annoncé qu’il mettait fin aux activités de l’université Lansbridge — un établissement virtuel à but lucratif basé à Fredericton — en raison d’irrégularités administratives et financières.