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Let’s make it fair!

Today, about one third of all academic staff in post-secondary institutions in Canada struggle to find decent work. They are hired on a per course or limited-term basis. They are denied the opportunity to participate in all aspects of academic work — teaching, research and service to the community. They can’t fully exercise their academic freedom because of the possibility of not being renewed. Many are trained to do research, find new ideas and innovate, but are prohibited to do so. Many are providing services to the community, for free! They are often poorly paid, have little or no benefits, and no job security.

I express my support to those who stand for fair treatment of all academic staff regardless of employment status, including compensation for research and service as part of any appointment. Tenure and academic freedom, the ability to conduct research, teaching and service, the opportunity to participate fully in institutional governance, and fair compensation and good working conditions are things that all academic staff should enjoy so that they can offer the best post-secondary education possible.

Let’s make it fair!
