Asbestos is a known carcinogen. Studies have shown that both one-time and long-term exposure can lead to asbestos-related diseases. Today, more than 40 countries have banned asbestos because of the danger it poses to human health. The World Health Organization has stated that zero exposure is the only safe exposure.
Up to the mid-1970s, asbestos was used widely in the construction of our campus buildings and can be found in ceiling and floor tiles, soundproofing and thermal insulation, laboratory counters, shingles and electrical and telephone conduits.
Academics, students and staff are at risk of contracting an asbestos-related disease if asbestos fibres become air-borne during renovations, through natural wear-and-tear or if accidently disturbed.
Where we stand
CAUT believes that the presence of asbestos on campus is a threat to the health and safety of its members, as well as other staff, students and visitors on campus. The best solution is the removal of all asbestos products.
Links to asbestos information
Asbestos Database
If you have been exposed, or believe you have been exposed to asbestos in your workplace, please fill out this confidential form and forward to CAUT to become part of our National Asbestos-related Diseases Database NARDD). This database will assist CAUT and its member associations with statistics that will be helpful for lobbying for safer workplaces through joint health and safety committees and the government, establishing and enhancing workers compensation claims, and better collective agreement language.