CAUT has been examining services provided for its retired members during the past several years. CAUT representatives have attended meetings of retired faculty members which were convened at the time of the learned societies in Montreal and at Brock University. These meetings were organized and inspired by Prof. R.D. Bramwell, a retired faculty member from the University of Calgary.
A report was made to the November 1996 Council. It suggested possible new structures for CAUT retirees. As a follow-up to these discussions, delegates to the May meeting were presented with a proposal aimed at improving the level of services provided to retired academic staff and to increase their representation within CAUT.
Intended as a first reading at this meeting, the recommendations, if approved at the November 1997 meeting of Council, would authorize the creation of a retired academic staff group within CAUT. The group would elect, by mail ballot, one member to CAUT council.
The person elected to Council would have the same speaking, voting and other rights as existing members of the Council except that the member would not have a weighted vote but only one vote as is the case with provincial associations. Nor would the retired staff representative vote on questions pertaining to fee levels except in regard to the fee level for retired members of the academic staff.
Formation of the group would allow retired academic staff to continue to be active both in CAUT and in the university community. CAUT will benefit from their expertise in areas such as lobbying and retirement issues. CAUT will facilitate communication of group members, will create a specific area on the CAUT web site, make available a column in the Bulletin and provide office space and support services as may be required. To help finance these arrangements, a notice of motion was given to the May 1998 Council meeting to increase the annual dues paid by retired members from $10 to $25 per year.