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CAUT Bulletin Archives

October 1998

University of Ottawa Professors Ratify Three-Year Agreement

On Sept. 8, members of the Association of Professors of the University of Ottawa ratified a three-year agreement which will expire in 2001. The settlement includes the following provisions:

Salaries - 1998-1999: 1.6 per cent retroactive to May 1, 1998; 1999-2000: 1.5 per cent effective May 1, 1999; 2000-2001: to be negotiated. Special adjustment in 1998-99 of $1000 to individuals who, on 30 April 1998, were at the ceiling of full professors. Dental -- for active members of the bargaining unit: same coverage as the current support staff plan; premiums for basic services 100% paid by the employer, 80% reimbursement of expenses; premiums for optional major services or orthodontics paid by the employee. For early retirees: a new dental plan as per current arrangements for supplementary health insurance benefits. Professional Expenses Reimbursement - 1998-1999: $500; 1999-2000: $600; 2000-2001: $700. Anomalies Fund - 1998-1999: $150,000; 1999-2000: $30,000; 2000-2001: $30,000.

Source: OPSEU, Negotiations News, September 8, 1998.