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CAUT Bulletin Archives

May 1999

3-Year Agreement at Queen's

Queen's faculty voted 96% in favour of a new three-year agreement which will be in effect until April 30, 2002. Highlights include creation of continuing track and continuing adjunct appointments, and early retirement offers which include two plans: regular early retirement, and trial early retirement which provides for a trial period of leave supported by a university loan as a preliminary to retirement.

Formula for both retiring allowances is as follows: Retirement 5 or more years prior to normal retirement date: 6-12 years of Queen's service: 15 months' nominal salary; Over 12 to 26 years of service: 15 months' nominal salary plus one-half month's salary per year of Queen's service in excess of 12 years; more than 26 years of service: 22 months' nominal salary. Retirement within 5 years of normal retirement date, formula as calculated above multiplied by the following factors: 0.80 if 4 years early; 0.65 if 3 years early; 0.50 if 2 years early; 0.35 if 1 year early.


Year 1: scale increase 1.45% (May 1); scale increase 0.7% (Nov. 1); professional expense reimbursement can be rolled over for three years; sabbatical leave compensation increased from 80% to 82.5% for leaves commencing in year 1; available life insurance coverage extended to $200,000 maximum as of July 1, 1999.

Year 2: enhanced dental plan (major restorative, 50 per cent co-insurance), employer pays 75% of premium; professional expense reimbursement increased to $1,100; beginning Dec. 1, 1999, the parties can commence bargaining all salary and benefit issues for Year 2. If no agreement, final offer selection arbitration for scale (pursuant to collective agreement provisions), and status quo for other related provisions unless adjusted by agreement.

Year 3: beginning Dec. 1, 2000, the parties can commence bargaining all salary and benefit issues for Year 3. If no agreement, final offer selection arbitration for scale (pursuant to collective agreement provisions), and status quo for other related provisions unless adjusted by agreement; professional expense reimbursement increased to $1,200.


$110,000 to be distributed in each of the three years. Fund to be administered by a side-table of the parties and distributed according to priorities in the agreement. V-P Academic must report on how money is allocated; VP/Deans to continue to distribute $90,000 in each of the three years pursuant to collective agreement provisions.