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CAUT Bulletin Archives

November 1999

UCCB President Drops Disputed Hiring Policy

Faculty at the University College of Cape Breton were delighted to learn last month of college president Dr. Jacquelyn Scott's decision to retire a policy requiring the school's academic deans to sign undated letters of resignation. The policy had been strongly criticized by the Faculty Association of University Teachers at UCCB.

"The association is gratified that Dr. Scott has changed her mind about the policy and now sees how very important academic freedom is for all members of the University College community," said association president Michael Manson.

Manson said the association had been publicly critical of Scott's policy fearing it compromised the quality of education at UCCB and made it difficult to attract the best people to fill dean vacancies. "As far as we were able to determine, no other university in the country had such a policy." The controversial policy had been in effect for the past six years.

Manson says the association is hopeful that Scott's decision to drop the resignation letter policy signals a new desire by senior administration to work cooperatively with the association.