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CAUT Bulletin Archives

December 2005

Managing Human Rights at Work: 101 Practical Tips to Prevent Human Rights Disasters

Stephen Hammond. Vancouver: Harassment Solutions Inc., 2005; 146 pp; ISBN: 0-9734954-0-5, paper $24.95 ca.
Business and human rights expert Stephen Hammond has written a book designed to help those who are in the tricky art of managing people and workplaces in understanding human rights issues, preventing human rights disasters and building a welcoming workplace. He offers 101 practical tips, and in most examples uses the real names and real cases available to the public in order to help readers learn from real mistakes. The advice applies to interactions with employees as well as external business. Just as human rights legislation applies to all workplaces — private, public and nonprofit — so does this book.
Quick Picks produced from information supplied by publishers.