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CAUT Bulletin Archives

January 2006

Librarian Wins Award for Her Work at York

Mary Kandiuk, reference librarian at Scott Library at York University, is the recipient of the sixth CAUT Academic Librarians’ Distinguished Service Award.

The award, created in 1994, recognizes a librarian or a faculty member for outstanding service in furthering the status and/or working conditions of academic librarians. The winner is selected by a jury appointed by CAUT’s Librarians’ Committee.

“This award recognizes Ms. Kandiuk’s record of sustained involvement and service in academic librarianship and in the York University Faculty Association,” said committee chair Kent Weaver. “Her accomplishments and service have significantly contributed to the advancement of working conditions of librarians at York.”

Kandiuk also earned the award for her leadership skills, and was nominated by colleagues who said her work had influenced their advancement and participation as an academic librarian and whose contributions merited recognition by CAUT.

Kandiuk received a framed certificate during a ceremony at the CAUT Council meeting in November.