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CAUT Bulletin Archives

May 2012

CAUT Warns of Censure for Waterloo & Wilfrid Laurier

The University of Waterloo’s & Wilfrid Laurier University’s Balsillie School of International Affairs has attracted considerable controversy over its relationship with Jim Balsillie’s private think tank, the Centre for International Governance Innovation, where the school is housed. [Stephen Kearse/Imprint Publications]
The University of Waterloo’s & Wilfrid Laurier University’s Balsillie School of International Affairs has attracted considerable controversy over its relationship with Jim Balsillie’s private think tank, the Centre for International Governance Innovation, where the school is housed. [Stephen Kearse/Imprint Publications]
CAUT will censure the administrations at the University of Waterloo and Wilfrid Laurier University in November if they do not modify governance provisions for their Balsillie School of International Affairs so as to protect the universities’ academic integrity.

CAUT Council adopted the censure motion nearly unanimously at its meeting last month, after carefully considering the donor agreement signed by the two universities, Jim Balsillie and his private think tank, the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI), and considering the subsequent governance structure for the school approved by the universities earlier this year.

Specific concerns were the universities agreement that the school is to be governed by a board on which CIGI has not only voice but veto power in academic matters. These include deciding which academic programs will be designated Balsillie school programs, choosing the director of the school, exercising final budgetary and operational authority for the school, and determining the strategic research direction of the school.

In addition, the donor agreement specifies that the universities are obligated to consult with CIGI about which individuals they are considering for appointment as CIGI Research Chairs and Balsillie Fellows.

CAUT has written to the presidents of the two universities asking for an opportunity to discuss changes that would protect academic integrity. The outcome of those discussions will be reported to CAUT Council in November 2012.