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CAUT Bulletin Archives

October 2013

CAUT criticizes secret tribunal process at McMaster University

McMaster University has imposed lengthy suspensions without pay on a number of tenured faculty in the school of business following a secret, internal tribunal process that has lasted for the past several years.

CAUT endorses international principles against internet spying

In its commitment to the protection of basic civil liberties, CAUT has signed onto the International Principles on the Application of Human Rights to Communications Surveillance.

Promoting Aboriginal scholarly activism

During November’s first weekend, Aboriginal academics from across Canada will gather in Toronto for CAUT’s fourth Forum for Aboriginal Academic Staff. Over three days, participants will explore the role of Aboriginal academics as activist scholars for social and political change.

King’s found to have violated academic freedom

CAUT has released an investigatory committee report into action taken against a professor by administrators at King’s University College.

Laval student wins CAUT fellowship

A Laval University PhD student has won a national award for her research into eating behaviour and patterns in children, adults and families and how these behaviours relate to obesity.

Canadians have most degrees, highest tuition fees: reports

According to a recent report from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Canada has the highest rate of post-secon­dary education among its 34 member countries.

CAUT launches new award for grievance work

CAUT Council has created the Bernice C. Schrank Award to recognize outstanding contributions to the enforcement of academic staff workplace rights through the grievance process.

Presumed incompetent

Presumed Incompetent: a visible minority female professor in a contractually-limited position. Although almost all of the qualitative data accumulated in this large volume refer to the United States, many of the narratives also pertain to the Canadian space.

For the university

Edification and bildung (German) relate to the idea that university education should be more than a narrow training for employment (for material gain) in the competitive “real world” of business.

CAUT inquiry finds serious problems at Ontario Veterinary College

CAUT has released the report from a committee working over the last year and a half investigating allegations of major problems at the University of Guelph’s Ontario Veterinary College.

UMFA members vote to strike

The University of Manitoba Faculty Association is in conciliation talks with the university administration following a strong member turnout and vote in favour of strike action earlier this month.