How technology and the public are shaping TV news

Rena Bivens. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press, 2014; 336 pp; ISBN: 978-1-44261-586-1, paper $32.95 CAD.
Social media has irrevocably changed how people consume the news. With the distinction between professional and citizen journalists blurring like never before, Digital Currents illuminates the behind the-scenes efforts of television newscasters to embrace the public’s participation in news and information gathering and protect the integrity of professional journalism. Using interviews with more than 100 journalists from eight networks in Canada and the United Kingdom, Rena Bivens takes the reader inside TV newsrooms to explore how news organisations are responding to the paradigmatic shifts in media and communication practices. The first book to examine the many ways that the public has entered the production of mainstream news, Digital Currents underscores the central importance of media literacy in the age of widespread news sources.
Information made available by the publisher.