Triumph of the BRICs?

Martin Carnoy, Prashant Loyalka, Maria Dobryakova, Rafiq Dossani, Isak Froumin, Katherine Kuhns, Jandhyala B.G. Tilak & Rong Wang. Redwood City, CA: Stanford University Press, 2013; 404 pp; ISBN: 978-0-80478-601-0, cloth $60 USD.
This is a study of higher education in the world’s four largest developing economies — Brazil, Russia, India and China. Already important players globally, by mid-century, they are likely to be economic powerhouses. But whether they reach that level of development will depend in part on how successfully they create quality higher education that puts their labor forces at the cutting edge of the information society. Using an empirical, comparative approach, this book develops a broad picture of the higher education system in each country in the context of both global and local forces. The authors situate a discussion of university expansion and quality in the context of government policies and the larger struggle over social goals and the distribution of national resources.
Information made available by the publisher.