College of New Caledonia
In 2013, the Faculty Association of CNC had a FA’s Oktoberfest Social and Kickoff to FEW on Friday, Oct. 18, from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm at the FA Office, 3477-15th Avenue. Map
Kwantlen Polytechnic University
The Kwantlen Faculty Association at Kwantlen Polytechnic University hosted a Wine and Cheese reception for Non-regular faculty and their allies. The reception was at 4:00 on October 22, 2013 in the KFA office. All faculty were welcomed.
University of British Columbia
- Letter to the University’s president and provost.
- Two-day information table at the SUB–pamphlets, chocolates, contest for students.
- Two lunches, one for sessional faculty and the other for 12-monthers, partly to answer questions on the CA, benefits, etc., and partly to determine bargaining priorities.
- Pub social
- Poster campaign–one ‘invisible academic” poster for each CAS as well as some general posters.
In a previous year, the University of British Columbia Faculty Association put up 500 silhouettes of “invisible academics” on lawns and buildings around campus, set up an information display featuring
sessionals’ biographies and publications and distributed peanuts to represent sessional wages.
University of Calgary
- Fair Employment Week focused issue of newsletter
- Three (3) (competitive) CAS Travel Grants to assist in funding for CAS to make scholarly presentation, attend conference or other scholarly activity in their field.
Queen’s University
- Social event was held for CAS and their allies on Thursday Oct. 24.
- QUFA newsletter highlighted FEW – we wrote two articles – one article described working conditions of CAS at Queen’s and how CAS could benefit from the pro-rata model. The other article focused on how increased reliance on CAS results in increased workload for RAS (tenure track and tenured academic staff) when CAS are not paid for their service and how that situation could be improved using the pro-rata model.
- Poster campaign – one poster was put up for every CAS on campus – each poster said just that and included other information describing working conditions of CAS at Queen’s using the same approach as “Did you Know” from the CAUT posters.
Wilfrid Laurier University
The Wilfrid Laurier University Faculty Association has launched a Tumblr site called “We Teach Laurier” to highlight the stories of Contract Academic Staff.