Past Events 2014
Ottawa Roundtable:
Precarious academic labour: challenges and strategies
The growing problem of precarious academic labour is getting increasing media attention. About 50% of the classes taught at the University of Ottawa are taught by Contract Academic Staff. University administrations have been increasingly relying on Contract Academic Staff as a way to reduce the costs of education. But what are the risks to public education? What can we do about it? This session will feature a conversation amongst faculty who have worked in permanent and contract positions. Sponsoring organizations – CAUT, APUO and APTPUO. This event was bilingual.
Where: 90 University, Room 140
When: Tuesday, October 7, 12:00pm-1:00pm. Lunch was served.
On October 25, the Federation of Post-Secondary Educators of British Columbia has organized a half-day conference on contingent academic issues, focusing on layoffs and collective bargaining campaigns. CAUT was there to present results from its recent Contract Academic Staff survey.
PDF // Poster // Download
Fredericton (October 28)
The FNBFA hosted a forum titled “F.A.I.R: Foster Awareness, Inclusion and Recognition”, on Tuesday, October 28, 2014, 12:00 (noon)-3:00 P.M., room 202, UNB Forestry & Geology Building, 2 Baily Drive, Fredericton.
- Lunch was provided, courtesy of the Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT). The FAIR Forum was the occasion to discuss the situation of contingent faculty in New Brunswick and the ways to improve the terms and conditions of their employment.
- With Robin Vose, CAUT former president, as speaker and Jean Sauvageau, FNBFA president, as moderator, we encouraged contingent faculty representatives from all member associations of the FNBFA to share their experience and concerns with their colleagues from across the province.
Kingston (October 28)
The Queen’s University Faculty Association, in cooperation with CAUT, hosted a “Lunch & Learn” event for term adjuncts other sessional faculty. The drop-in event was from 11:00am to 1:00pm in the West Lake View room of the University Club. Lunch was provided.
PDF // Poster // Download
Oshawa (October 28)
The Faculty Association (UOIT) worked with other unions on campus in a tabling information/fair session.
Facebook // FEW Event
Halifax (October 29)
In cooperation with CAUT, CUPE 3912, and the Association of Nova Scotia University Teachers, the Dalhousie Faculty Association hosted an event that focused on Contract Academic Staff and the need for solidarity among unions, associations, and other employee groups on our campuses.
Seeing the invisible academic:
A forum and panel discussion on the situation of contract academic staff in Halifax and across Canada. Moderated by Catrina Brown, President, Dalhousie Faculty Association.
Dalhousie Student Union Building, Room 303, 6136 University Avenue, on Wednesday, October 29, 2014, 7:00pm. Refreshments served.
PDF // Poster // Download // News release // Download
Toronto (October 29)
There was a panel presentation and discussion on Wednesday October 29, starting at 7:00pm, focusing on the rise of precarious work in the academy. Panelists included Ira Basen from CBC Radio, Wayne Lewchuck from McMaster University, and Winnie Ng from Ryerson University and the Good Jobs for All Coalition. The discussion was moderated by journalist (and sessional faculty member) Michael Valpy.
Windsor (October 29)
WUFA’s Sessional Committee features the documentary Class Struggle (2014), and a panel of contract and non-contract academics from the University of Windsor was on hand to provide an overview of the situation in Canada and discuss the wide reaching implications of casualized academic labour. The primary aim was to cultivate public awareness of the issue and to begin to advance genuine equity and inclusivity for all scholars within the Canadian university system. PDF // Download
London — Huron University College
The Huron University College Faculty Association hosted a brown bag lunch for their contract academic staff members, and the association mounted a poster campaign throughout the week. Details for the lunch event were not available.
London — The University of Western Ontario
The University of Western Ontario Faculty Association launched a campaign to support Western’s contract academic staff, a video campaign called “Standing in the Shadows of the Academy” on the hidden work of contract faculty at Western. During Fair Employment Week, they reached out to students and members circulating materials and goodies.
Video // Campaign
UBCFA had planned a number of events during Fair Employment Week, including a poster and postcard campaign. The signed postcards were delivered to UBC`s president the week after Fair Employment Week.
The UBCFA scheduled events were as follows:
- Monday: The Association will send a formal letter to UBC’s president.
- Tuesday: A meet-and-greet in the Peter Wall Centre on campus. Information booklets about contract faculty’s contractual rights and benefits will be provided, and the Association will be on hand to answer any questions about the collective agreement and working conditions. Light lunch provided.
- Wednesday: Information at the Student Union building.
- Thursday: Launch of new Pedagogy series for contract faculty.
- Friday: Pub social with Halloween theme. Prizes for best costume!
Postcards were available at all events for signing. PDF // Posters // Download // Download