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CAUT Bulletin Archives

April 2010

Feds Put First Nations University in Peril

The Government of Canada has put the future of Canada’s only First Nations university at grave peril. Indian and Northern Affairs Minister's refusal to restore full federal finding to First Nations University of Canada will mean massive layoffs and a significant reduction in course programs.

Unworthy barbs

Len Findlay’s book review “Insider’s Cautionary Tales of Academic Freedom” (Bulletin, March 2010) contained numerous barbs that insult Canadian academics.

Len Findlay replies

I am grateful for Professor Prescott’s res­ponse to my review. He clearly cares about “Canadian academics” and the “national academy”. However, he and I do not have to agree about how that caring should express itself.

I Feel Like a Marked Man

I hate to say it, but I really dislike marking examination scripts. I’m not sure if this is unusual, but I feel I need some help.

Fed’s Plans for Aboriginal Education Not Hopeful

The future of First Nations University of Canada is not clear. Indian Affairs Minister announced federal funding of $ million for First Nations University would end. This is a tragic decision for the university, a unique and important educational institution.

UPEI Appeals Human Rights Decision

The University of Prince Edward Island is appealing a recent human rights decision that struck down the institution’s mandatory retirement policy as discriminatory.

First Nations U Played Vital International Role

First Nations University of Cana­da, formerly known as the Sask­atche­wan Indian Federated College SIFC), will celebrate its 34th anni­versary this year — a milestone for the world’s in­digenous peoples’ right to higher edu­cation.

Fight Brewing over Ottawa U’s Proposed Cuts

A uOttawa report proposing $ million in cuts has the campus community up in arms. The 75-page document was prepared by a university advisory committee man­dated to find across-the-board savings for the upcoming fiscal year.

Provincial Budgets, Good & Bad

Saskatchewan – The province claims to heavily invest in education in its budget with an increase in operational funds for universities and colleges.

Windsor: Private for-Profit Plan Withdrawn

The University of Windsor has withdrawn plans, for now, to explore a bid by private education corporation Study Group aimed at establishing a for-profit college on campus.

CHRC Branch Offices Will Close

The Harper government has decided to close Canadian Human Rights Commission offices in Vancouver, Toronto and Halifax.

Feminist & Anti-Racist Challenges

This book is a collection of articles on women at various stages of their university careers in the U.S. The first chapter offers statistics on women in higher education. While a larger percentage than ever are graduating with doctorates, overall, fewer are getting tenure-track jobs.


The price of college tuition has increased more than any other major good or service for the last 20 years. Nine out of 10 American high school seniors aspire to go to college, yet the United States has fallen from world leader to only the tenth most educated nation.

Academic Repression:

Since 9/11, the Bush administration has pressured universities to hand over faculty, staff and student work to be flagged for potential threats. Numerous books have assessed the climate of academic freedom over the years, but this study asks whether the concept still exists in the American university system.

Windsor met en veilleuse le projet de collège privé

L'Université de Windsor renonce pour le moment à étudier l’offre que lui a faite le prestataire privé de services d’éducation Studio Group en vue d’implanter sur son campus un collège à but lucratif.

La position fédérale face à l’éducation des Autochtones n’est guère porteuse d’espoir

En ce moment, l’avenir de l’Université des Premières nations du Canada est incertain. Le ministre des Affaires indiennes a annoncé que le financement du gouvernement fédé­ral pren­drait fin. Il s’agit d’une décision tragi­que pour cet établissement d’enseignement unique et important.

Université d’Ottawa : la grogne couve contre les coupes budgétaires proposées

Un rapport de l’Université d’Ot­tawa recommandant des compressions budgétaires a déclen­ché un tollé au sein de la col­lectivité universitaire. Ce rapport a été élaboré par un comité chargé de trouver des économies générales à réaliser au cours de l’exercice.

De bons et de mauvais budgets provinciaux

Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador : Le budget déposé par le gouvernement suscite des réactions mixtes de la part de la communauté académique.

Fermeture de trois bureaux de la CCDP

Le gouvernement Harper a pris la décision de fermer les bureaux de la Commission canadienne des droits de la personne (CCDP) à Vancouver, Toronto et Halifax.

L’UPEI fait appel d’une décision touchant les droits de la personne

L'Université de l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard (UPEI) a décidé de porter en appel devant la Cour su­prême de la province le jugement par lequel la commission provinciale des droits de la personne a récemment invalidé la politique de retraite obligatoire de l’établissement.